Bringing In The Old

I'm in the process of closing my Myspace account completely, but don't want to lose the blog entries I've posted there, so the first several posts here will be imports from there...

In the posts below, stories are in pale yellow, any comments I've added editorially are in bright green, and links are whatever...and, as a disclaimer-I make no money from this blog, so don't try to use it yourself to do so. All items are used under fair usage policies.

October 12, 2011

From March 22, 2010

Confused Wool*
*with apologies to the great sportswriter Dan Jenkins, this pretty much describes the term Confused Wool, even if they're both guys...

In the past two days, two idiots tweeted that President Barack Obama should be assassinated, apparently incensed over the health care reform vote. @THHEE_JAY, identified as Jay Martin, tweeted just that, and followed up with "If I lived in DC. I'd shoot him myself. Dead f***ing serious." A day earlier, one Solly Forell tweeted, "ASSASSINATION! America, we survived the Assassinations and Lincoln & Kennedy. We'll surely get over a bullet to Barrack Obama's head." Incidentally, both people happened to be black, and both self-identify as conservatives. They've both been paid visits by their new pals at the Secret Service.

As well they should...then, they should be committed to our nation's barbaric mental health system-I'd be willing to bet that their opinions on oh, let's say..." socialized medicine" (to use their term) would change considerably...most people are unaware of the fact that even the most extensive private health care plans in America generally will pay for no more than 2 weeks of inpatient mental health care, despite the fact that EVERYONE will suffer from some type of mental health problems in their lifetime.

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